A Tapestry of Memory

A Tapestry of Memory

The Sikh Foundation is proud to introduce A Tapestry of Memory, a platform dedicated to preserving the oral histories of Sikhs. Started by Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal ji, this website captures inspiring stories that weave the rich tapestry of our community’s past and present.

Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal ji is a renowned scholar and leader in the Sikh community whose dedication to preserving Sikh heritage inspired the creation of a Tapestry of Memory. His work has been pivotal in documenting and sharing the rich cultural narratives of Sikhs around the world.

Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa is a talented interviewer and writer who brings these stories to life. Through her engaging interviews and thoughtful storytelling, she ensures that the voices and experiences of the Sikh community are heard and remembered.


During the 1947 Partition of India, Kirpal Singh’s family fled Chak Sardar Dharam Singh near Rawalpindi for Waha Camp, leaving his father behind. Life in the camp was harsh, with rationed food and makeshift living conditions. Kirpal witnessed horrific scenes, including massacres and mass cremations. The journey to Amritsar was full of danger, and the family eventually reunited in Delhi. These experiences deeply impacted Kirpal, instilling a strong aversion to violence and guiding his future through education and Gurbani. His story highlights the resilience and spirit of the Sikh community, preserved on Tapestry of Memory for future generations.

Image Credit: https://tapestryofmemory.org

Dr. Hardev Singh Virk’s story on Tapestry of Memory is a testament to his unwavering faith and perseverance. Guided by his deep respect for Gurbani, he navigated academic challenges during his doctoral studies at Marie Curie University. Despite facing immense pressure, he disproved his supervisor’s hypothesis about a new particle. Through his faith in prayer, Dr. Virk made a crucial discovery that validated his findings. With support from researchers at Cambridge University, he defended his thesis with top honors. His journey celebrates the resilience and dedication of the Sikh community, inspiring others to overcome obstacles with unwavering determination.

Hardev Singh Virk with his research group at Marie Curie University, Paris (1977)

Image Credit: https://tapestryofmemory.org

Oral histories provide unique insights into personal and communal experiences that written records often overlook. “A Tapestry of Memory” ensures these stories are not lost but instead cherished and accessible to future generations. By sharing these stories, we celebrate our heritage and pass on invaluable lessons and memories.